What is blogging? In my humble opinion, it is writing and creating content on a subject matter that is of some interest to yourself, and of course to those that stop by to read. Throughout the years blogging has become much more popular and that is really great. On the one hand, there are those that say it brings more competition and stiffer rules via Google and others. On the other hand, the increase in the number of bloggers is only a plus (that’s for another day) as it leads to an understanding by outsiders that running a blog is a real profession.
Today, I don’t want to go into the pros and cons of the increased popularity of blogging, rather due to the increased competition I want to offer a lending hand on how you can improve the quality of your blog faster than ever.
Creative Titles:
No matter what you are blogging about, from sports, cooking, and arts to business creating a title for the newest article is important and takes a bit of creativity. How many times have you seen the title start with, “How to:”? Don’t you think you can do better than that? The title has been said to be like the front entrance sign to your business.
An original and successful title will garner attention from those that see it, while also giving insight as to what the post is going to deliver. A few things that I like to do:
  • Famous People - using the name of a famous actor, athlete, historian, or anything of the sort can be a great move. If you write about business then maybe add one of your idols’ names to the title.
  • What if - instead of using the common “how to”, try using the intro, “What if” (What if Messi Blogged?). With this kind of title you not only create curiosity, but also show creativity that readers will hope to find in the post as well.
  • Problem Solved – one of the best blog titles and posts is solving a problem that is relevant in your niche. So why not write the following title, “Problem, Solved: No Spam”. Do I know what the post is about? Yes, and I understand exactly what the post is going to help me with.
Try some of those ideas and basically just think outside the box!
A blog may be run by one person, but surviving and thriving is a team game. With the rise of social media and many different “relationship-based” sites working with others has never been easier and will get easier and more enjoyable in time. First of all, go and start commenting on other blogs. Don’t do it to “check it off the list”. That won’t be able to lead to a true and useful relationship. Start with a few blogs that you want to read, and leave your honest feedback, and in time you’ll have a relationship with those blog owners and others that stopped to comment. What else? Second of all, comment on social media. A “like” or anything equivalent to that (+1) is not helping to create a relationship. Finally, make sure to follow the old 80/20 rule-80% of what you share is from colleagues and 20% is yours.
Digital Media
“Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore” (Wizard of Oz). This is not 1999 or 2009. It is 2014 and it is about time you hopped on the train and added better digital content. This is for those that are really serious about their blogs, because this may be time consuming. Are you serious? Then you may continue. You need to create and/or use:
  • A Podcast
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • SlideShare
I told you this was for the serious blogger. From now on, in every post (or at least every other one) you need to start incorporating each time one of the mentioned types of content. Remember, content is not just written (like in 1950). Today content is anything and everything that can be seen or heard.
Well friends those are just a few concepts that you can use to move up the ladder in the world of blogging. Be passionate about what you do, and more ideas will come.
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Prince Asiedu

Hi. I’m Designer of Justpizo Blog. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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