Regardless of what your website is used for you want it to be noticed and seen, this is particularly true of course if the website represents your business and provides, even if only in part, the source of your income. Getting people to visit your website however is not a particularly easy process and it’s something that many people invest a whole lot of time and money in, knowing what to do is just the first step.
When it comes to getting your website noticed you’re looking at SEO; what needs to be done, how you should do it – if you’re doing it yourself you’re going to need to invest several hours a month to it and keep it up, if you’re getting an SEO team or an individual in your business to do it you need to be sure that they know what they’re doing and make sure they understand your goals, as these will have an effect on the way your website is promoted to ensure you get interest from the right sort of customers.
Step One – Find your keywords. Keywords are the words that appear fairly often in your content, you should be looking at how often people search for these words and the sort of phrases with which they search these words. Most people search whole sentences rather than just the one or two keywords you have identified, so when you write your content try to include a range of your keywords in a range of different types of questions, this makes it more likely that a search engine will identify you as a relevant match. If it is relevant to your business involve your location as a keyword; this could be helpful to having customers find you instead of companies further away from them.
Step Two – Content. One of the most important things everyone is looking at on your site is the content, your visitors are looking at it and the search engines you rely on to send visitors your way are looking at it. Content should be unique, it should be relevant, it absolutely must be up to date, even if you have to rewrite it every three weeks to keep it that way, and of course it need to feature plenty of your keywords – but don’t just stuff them in there if they aren’t relevant or won’t make sense, that’s one sure fire way to reduce the amount of interest your website gets.
Step Three – get your links out there. Google isn’t just going to start noticing you because of your content, you need a real online presence. This means getting plenty of other websites to link to yours, these other websites should be relevant to your own however – if low quality or irrelevant websites are linking to you your rank on search engines won’t be as high. Submitting your website to directories and creating guest posts for various blogs are also good ways of generally increasing your online presence.
Step Four – Create a blog. People love blogs; informative content, top tips, advice, reviews, events – blogs often have it all and in a format whereby the website visitors can get involved; post comments and have discussions, make their opinions heard and understood and see the opinions of others. Blogs are time consuming and if you want it to work in your favour you need to post quality, relevant content regularly, even one post a week might not be enough to ensure activity on your blog, but fear not. Once you’ve started to attract some traffic you will undoubtedly start to attract some guest posters who will want to write articles for you that you can post on your blog, these will of course link to the websites belonging to the guest posters.
Step Five – Social networking. Never underestimate the social network, they are incredibly popular and provide you with a community with millions of potential clients. However – promotion on a social network is a fine tuned science, you need content that gets interest from viewers quickly, you need things that are either interesting, useful or funny enough whereby people are going to share your posts or comments with their friends, which increases the number of prospective customers you have. Make sure your social network profiles have a link to your website, otherwise it won’t help at all.
Author Bio:
Kate is an extremely keen writer who has a particular interest in website development and website recognition. She is currently writing on behalf of Dimasoft, a company that specialises in website development and SEO.

Prince Asiedu

Hi. I’m Designer of Justpizo Blog. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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